Global Health Solutions with Local Relevance
Matahari is a global health research and policy group working on integrating Global South expertise in global health initiatives.
What we do
The Team behind Matahari
We are a team of experts across the global health world, working to deliver sustainable global health solutions informed and led with Global South expertise.
Our diverse and multilingual team works closely together to bring local relevance to complex global health conundrums – creating visibility, long-term impact, and value to our clients.
Dr Fifa Rahman
Principal Consultant
Charles Ebikeme
Associate Consultant: Health Systems
Gisa Dang
Associate Consultant: Health and Human Rights
Dr Pedro Villardi
Associate Consultant: Public Health and Intellectual Property - Brazil
Dr Claudia Stoicescu
Technical Advisor: Harm Reduction
Sam Acellam
Associate Consultant: Health Data Analytics
Dr Marguerite Massinga Loembé PhD
Senior Consultant: Health Systems Strengthening
Our Clients and Partners
Our Projects
A few of our recent projects
Understanding the market for an NG/CT assay in Brazil and Thailand
- December 2023
- We worked with Market Access Africa to assess prospects for marketability of an affordable assay that can detect both Chlamydia trachomatis and Neisseria gonorrhoeae in Brazil and Thailand. This involved determining, based on key informant interviews, what regulatory processes would apply to such an assay, who could be potential purchasers, the market size, and potential competitors, among other key questions.
Facilitating continuity in global health priorities between G7 Presidencies
- December 2023
- Working with the Japan Centre for International Exchange (JCIE), we designed and administered a survey distributed among diverse stakeholders, including UN agencies, civil society, government and quasi-government institutions, and private sector. Results of analysis were compiled into a survey report and recommendations for the 2024 Italian G7 Presidency, and discussed at a conference held in Tokyo, Japan, on 1st December 2023.
Unpacking the impact of gender on access to COVID-19 vaccines
- December 2023
- This research commissioned by the People's Vaccine Alliance sought to identify key barriers to COVID-19 vaccine access from an intersectional gender lens. We interviewed 25 individuals from global health agencies, UN agencies, civil society organisations (including feminist and LGBTQIA+ organisations, and academic/research institutions) on key barriers faced by women and LGBTQIA people in all their diversity, and how these barriers can and should be overcome in future pandemics. Case studies were selected through a snowball sample, following leads from desk research and qualitative interviews for documented practices that had the potential to highlight neglected areas of a global gender-sensitive COVID-19 response - resulting in case studies on Afghanistan, Malaysia, and South Sudan.
Stay up to date with the latest from Twitter
Our local partners in DRC, @CosamedD, are doing an amazing job tackling major health challenges for people internally displaced by violence. Much more needs to be done. If you’re a global donor wanting to use up funds by end of the year, DRC is where you can do that.
We are proud to be co-leading the work to develop the health workforce compact for the African continent, guided by AU member states. Next steps: regional consultations.
🚨Our Health Systems Strengthening lead @MM_Loembe and colleagues write about strengthening readiness against filovirus epidemics, i.e., that evidence supports the use of two licensed vaccines against the Zaire Ebola virus as effective countermeasures.
Our latest posts
- Photo credit: Freepik
A iniciativa “Diversidade Racial na Saúde Global” anuncia aprovação de pesquisa por conselho de ética
- July 2021
- Photo credit: Freepik
Racial Diversity in Global Health Initiative Announces Advisory Committee
- May 2021
- Photo credit: Freepik
The Compulsory Licence Debate Moves Forward in Brazil
- May 2021